99/365 goat cheese & sorrel ravioli |
For day 100 on Sunday, I suggested that Steve try making some beignets and a couple dipping sauces, similar to what we had at Gitane last month. By doing some regular doughnut hole-shaped beignets and some stick-shaped ones, Steve provided me with the pieces I needed to make "100." We also put the kumquat-vanilla honey and creme anglaise in squeeze bottles so I could put dots of both on the plate. The dots didn't come out as perfectly spaced as I would have liked, but it looked festive anyway.
100/365 festive beignets |
Monday was the day of the long-awaited portrait shoot with Lydia for her acupuncture website. Carmen did her hair and makeup, and then we all went to the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park to take the pictures. We got several good ones of her, and I also took some pictures of details in the garden that she can use. Although the sakura (cherry blossoms) were a candidate for picture of the day, I went with the Japanese maple instead.
101/365 japanese maple |
The next day, I didn't feel like going anywhere. After taking all those portraits the day before, I decided that I'd turn the camera on myself. I didn't actually want to put on mascara, though, so I did the next best thing. I put on my camera t-shirt and shot headless pictures. I needed one more prop, so I got out my old camera: the Digital Rebel with the 50mm lens that I used to shoot the vast majority of my first 365 project. It feels so tiny and light now.
102/365 i like cameras |
Wednesday's picture of the day was actually one of the easier ones of the week. We had some kumquats left from the honey that Steve made for day 100, and a picture of those in a little bowl on a window sill was the obvious choice. The main challenge was just to get them to look like they were filling the bowl when in reality, there were only enough to fill it about halfway. Some creatively placed Kleenex, a cork, and tricky propping against each other did the job.
103/365 kumquats |
On Thursday, I had no picture of the day before dinner. Then, we went to Noe Valley for some sushi. The pictures I took of the sushi were kind of boring, so I kept shooting on the walk home. This was in the window of the toy store. It's busier than I really like, but I was tending more towards "beggar" than "chooser" at that point.
104/365 bunny band |
The next day, I took the opportunity to shoot the white chocolate ducky that Steve and I bought in Noe Valley on Thursday after dinner. I went through a couple ideas before settling on the "bird in the hand" shot. It was just more interesting than a duck on a plate.
105/365 chocolate ducky, you're the one |
That takes care of last week. A little later than usual, but done.
Is that really Japanese maple ? Did you take that shot on 4/20 ? :P Just teasing. Beautiful shots