Saturday, June 4, 2011

pure michigan

June has come already, and it's time to catch up a little. I'm still way behind in posting photos of our trip, but at least all the ones I need for this post are up on Flickr. I left off last time at the end of week 19. Week 20 began in San Francisco and ended in Michigan.

That Saturday was the day of the performances for the cabaret class. During my last 365, that day was represented by a picture of the show program and a centerpiece sitting on the piano. This time, I barely took any pictures at the studio. Instead, my picture of the day was taken in nearby Burlingame while I was killing time between shows. I had just been to the Anthropologie in downtown SF the day before, but I went to the Burlingame one anyway to look around. The decor is slightly different, and they tend to get more light in there. I liked the bottles they had hanging in the window, and it was a fitting choice for at least part of the day, since we watched some of the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie when I got home that night (before the power went out).

134/365 drink up me hearties, yo ho

Sunday was another work day—my last with the Broadway Bound classes for the school year—so Steve and I picked out another new dish to make for lunch that day. This time, it was a fava bean & pea salad with feta, pine nuts, mint, coriander (cilantro), and lime dressing, from What Katie Ate. Steve was able to find all the ingredients at the farmers market the day before, so we could finally check it off of our list. It would have been a fabulous side salad, but it also made a nice light lunch.

135/365 fava & pea salad

Monday was devoted to errands and laundry, before we left for our trip the next day. I took my camera with me to Noe Valley, but I drove there, since it was raining. I did notice when I got back that the painted chair down the alley from our house was still outside. I had seen it before Easter (sitting nex to an unattractive chest of drawers) and tried to take a few pictures, but I hadn't liked them very much. Now it was in a better spot, so I took some more shots that turned out better.

136/365 the painted chair

We left for Michigan on Tuesday, and I assumed that my picture of the day would be of something in the Cleveland airport during our 1-hour layover. Feeling antsy before we left SFO, I shot a couple pictures through the terminal window—planes on the tarmac, with the hills and a bit of fog in the background—but they weren't anything special. Still, it felt better to get something in the camera early. As it turned out, our 1-hour between flights turned into a 2-minute brisk walk between flights... Our plane out of SF was late in arriving, and therefore late in taking off, putting us nearly an hour behind. We were rather doubtful about the prospect of getting to our connecting flight in time, but we managed to hurry off the plane in Cleveland, and it turned out that they were holding our flight to Grand Rapids anyway, for us and a few others. When we finally got to Grand Rapids, we met up with Steve's parents, and I managed to snap one more picture as we were walking to the car. The Grand Rapids airport has gotten somewhat fancier than I remember.

137/365 gateway to the midwest

Wednesday's main activity was seeing Steve's grandmother—Bruce's mother. We picked her up for lunch and went to a restaurant/bar that she enjoys. It wasn't the kind of place you'd expect to see a woman who is 103 1/2 years old, but we had a good lunch. Then, we went back to her house for a look at her gardens and a chat.

138/365 soggy tulips

Thursday was mostly devoted to errands in the area of the Lansing Mall, followed by dinner in East Lansing with our friends, Jill and Eric. In between, I took a few pictures around Bruce and Bonnie's yard, mostly of their lilacs. Lilacs don't seem to grow in SF like they do in MI, so I appreciate them more now. I also took a few pictures at Jill and Eric's new house before dinner, but I thought this lilac picture turned out better.

139/365 lilacs

On Friday, we drove up to Harrison to see Bonnie's parents (and some of her siblings). There was a stop at Uncle John's Cider Mill for some buttermilk donuts; however, our walk in the woods that afternoon was the more memorable part of the day. I had never been back there, since I had only ever visited in the winter. Bonnie and her siblings—and later, Steve and Dan—grew up playing in the woods, so it was cool to walk back there. We didn't see any of the morel mushrooms that I've heard so much about, but we did find wintergreen and eat some of the berries. The huckleberry plants that were starting to flower—too early for the actual berries—and the trees were really pretty, with a surprising amount of color variation for spring.

140/365 woodsy walk

It was nice to spend some time outdoors in Michigan, after several years of living in the city in San Francisco. I grew up in Lansing, as did Steve, so I enjoyed the change of visiting during the pleasant, warmer months that I preferred as a kid. A lot more road construction, but no snow this time!

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