Sunday, the day after my birthday, Steve and I went to see the matinee of Legally Blonde, the summer YTC show. This would be the summer show that I did for the last seven years or so. But not this year! I was kind of glad that I didn't do it this year, what with the various OB appointments and all the work that I had to do on the nursery. I would have been insanely busy. Also, had I done the summer show, I would have had a performance the night of my 30th birthday. I enjoy doing shows, but I'm glad I got to celebrate by going out to dinner with friends and family that night instead.
Anyway, I felt that I should go see Legally Blonde, since so many of my former students were in it. They ended up doing a great job too, especially considering how much singing and dancing they had to learn in roughly five weeks. The show was at the Fox Theatre in Redwood City, rather than at Bayside Middle School as in years past, so I was able to get a nice shot of the marquee for my picture of the day.
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Monday's shot was an easy one of the onesie we got from Elan at Contigo on my birthday. It has an image of a pig paperclip, like the ones they use to attach the check to their postcards. (Steve and I are big fans of the "pig-perclip.") And it says "Contigo" on the sleeve. It's 6-12 month size, so the baby should be able to wear it for a while next summer.
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On Tuesday, I started priming the nursery at long last. I still hadn't decided on a paint color, but it was time to say goodbye to the Mt. Rainier Gray (blue) that used to be our office color. For the day's picture, I used my various swatches and one of the baby animal prints that had arrived on Monday. There was the rug sample, the fabric swatches for the chair and the crib skirt, and the paint color options for the wall. Chantilly Lace is the color of the trim, and I had narrowed it down to Dove Wing and Seapearl for the walls themselves. After stowing this pile safely in the closet, I managed to get all the rolling done for the primer that day. I had to finish the brushwork the next day, though.
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After doing the last of the priming on Wednesday afternoon, I cleaned up and went out to dinner and a show with Steve. For dinner, we tried Claudine—the newest addition to Claude Lane. It was good, but I think I prefer its sister restaurant, Gitane. The food at Gitane is just a little less California and more interesting Spanish-Portuguese-Moroccan.
Then, we saw War Horse, and it was amazing. As interesting as the story was, I think the production design, the use of live music, and the puppetry were the best parts. The horses were really cool and surprisingly life-like. It made a good final show for our season subscription, especially since we didn't renew for next year. I would have liked to go see Book of Mormon in November, but I suspect we'll be busy with other things then...
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Speaking of things we probably won't have time for again for a while, Steve and I celebrated our anniversary on Thursday with a very long and fancy tasting dinner. This was our fourth anniversary already. (The Beijing Summer Olympics were going on when we got married.) For the first couple anniversaries, we did wine country trips. For our third anniversary last year, we ate out at a couple fancier restaurants downtown instead, since we were going to Europe a month later. This year, wine country would have been somewhat pointless, with me not able to drink, so we went south for a 24-hour babymoon instead. For years, we had been meaning to go eat at Manresa, but its distance—an hour away in Los Gatos—was a bit of a deterrent. We didn't want a repeat of The French Laundry, when I had to drive us home from Napa after a big 4-hour dinner, all sleepy from food and the wine I had had. (Steve had had more wine, hence me driving.) So our anniversary gave us a good excuse to finally go eat at Manresa and get to a hotel room nearby, saving me from having to drive us home again.
Steve took the afternoon off of work that Thursday, and we headed down to Los Gatos to check into our hotel. We walked around the little downtown area for a bit, but dinner was definitely the main event. There were many courses, and we were actually there for about 5 hours. All the food was amazing—see Flickr for the pictures and dish descriptions—and I somehow managed to get through the meal without too much extra help from Steve. I may be pregnant, but I get full faster these days... Steve got the best Manhattan he's ever had, as well as the wine pairings with dinner, and I got a very refreshing passion fruit spritzer before switching to water for the rest of the meal. When it was all done, we had a nice walk back to our hotel room.
Overall, I'd say Manresa makes my top 5 list for meals in the Bay Area. Like Coi, one of the restaurants we visited last year for our anniversary, it has two Michelin stars. However, I think Coi pretty easily wins over Manresa as my very favorite. Both have lots of the innovative, produce-driven food that I love, though.
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My picture of the day for Friday was of the front of the Toll House Hotel, where we had stayed the night before, but that wasn't really the most memorable part of the day. I had originally planned for us to walk around downtown Los Gatos a little more that morning before driving back towards the city, but we decided that we had seen enough of the area the day before. Besides, I was eager to check out of the hotel and get to our next destination: Ikea! Rather than going across the Bay Bridge to the Ikea in Emeryville, we stopped at the one in East Palo Alto on our way home. There, we got the pieces for our "Mandal" dresser for the nursery, which just barely fit in the back seat of our car.
When we got home, the bamboo frames that I had ordered for the nursery prints had arrived too. As I had suspected, the white mats that came with the frames were way too cold a shade of white to work with the baby animal prints. So while Steve did some work from home that afternoon, I went to Flax for some replacement mats. The ones from Flax were reasonably priced and didn't look so blue-ish purple.
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Our extra long weekend continued on Saturday with Newborn Care class at DayOne. Taught by a postpartum doula, we learned about what to expect immediately after birth and after the hospital stay. And then we got to play with dolls. Actually, it was a quick lesson in holding, diapering, dressing, swaddling, burping, etc. While we were on a break, I took a picture of the table (and doll) that the couple next to us was using. I figured it would sum up the day pretty well. A decent amount of the material covered in the class was stuff I already knew, but it was good to have a refresher, learn a few things, and make sure Steve was on the same page.
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