Thursday, February 9, 2012

perhaps some productivity

One week into February already. I might not have believed it if I didn't have the daily pictures to account for all 31 days of January. Of course, I'm not actually caught up with recaps for all of January yet, so I'll get to it.

The fourth week of the year was when I started to get a little bored. I had taken a few field trips here and there, but many of the project's pictures so far had been taken around the house. In short, it was about time for some productivity. But I'll get to that more later.

The theme for Sunday's photo was "My Shoes," which prompted a rare no-food-picture Sunday. (Steve didn't make anything new for lunch that day anyway.) Normally, I might try to go somewhere interesting to provide a different backdrop for a shoe picture, but it was rainy and cold that day. I literally slipped on my shoes and stepped out the door to take this picture. No productivity that day, although I did make a schedule of stuff to do for the next two weeks.

22/366 my shoes

Monday was the start of my new productivity plan. On the agenda for the day was touching up the beige paint of the walls in the hallway. Steve's parents had helped me paint just before Elsa was born at the end of June, but I never got around to doing the touch-ups. This was the first step.

When that was done, I had to find "Something Old" to shoot for my picture of the day. I got out the Kodak box with the prints of my Grandpa Brady's old photographs, mostly 5x7s that he took of my mom and her brother as kids. I had forgotten the pair of smaller pictures I had of him and my grandmother. (My guess is that they were taken in the late 1930s or early '40s, since my grandparents were married in 1940.) I chose to use those two pictures and lay the others out on the table as a backdrop. It's funny, I see my some of my sister Bethany in my grandfather's features, and myself and Christine in my grandmother's.

23/366 something old

Tuesday was "Guilty Pleasure" day. I went with one of my food-related guilty pleasures: boxed mac & cheese. I used to go for the Kraft spirals, but now it's Annie's organic shells. I'm sure there's very little nutritional value in this as a lunch; I'm always hungry again about two hours later. But it has the Rabbit of Approval!

Oh, and I did the last of the paint touch-ups in the hallway after lunch. I taped above the wainscoting and gave the trim another coat of white wherever I felt it was necessary. If nothing else, it made a cleaner line between the white below and the beige above.

24/366 guilty pleasure

Wednesday's theme was "Something I Made." I really shouldn't have had to think so hard to come up with something for this one. However, my mind went right to "crafty," and other than some scrapbooking and Blurb bookmaking, I don't do a lot of crafting. What should have been my first thought was what I eventually landed on: baking! (Duh.)

I chose a couple recipes from the Miette cookbook to try. First: creme fraiche scones, since we had creme fraiche in the fridge that needed to be used. And second: lemon curd, since that sounded like a good accompaniment to the scones. After all, the scones had lemon zest in them already. The recipes weren't quite as straightforward as I might have hoped—many of the scones crumbled as I tried to cut them into squares before baking, and the lemon curd took forever to get to the specified temperature—but the results were very tasty. And as long as I had enough pretty scones and lemon curd for my picture, I was happy. I'd even make both again, although I'd switch up some things with the scones to facilitate cutting them.

25/366 something i made

A dentist appointment on Thursday morning brought me downtown, where I hoped to find some "Colour" for the day's photo theme. I was going to look for something to photograph around Union Square after my cleaning, but then I thought of nearby Chinatown. Chinese New Year was the Monday before, so it would be a good time for a Chinatown picture. I also knew it was usually pretty colorful there, with all the lanterns and cheap souvenirs, even if it was rather gray at 10am that day. 

26/366 colour

Friday's theme was "Lunch," which sounded like a good excuse to go out to eat. Talking with Steve the night before, Sweet Woodruff came up. It's a new sandwich/takeout place in Nob Hill, which I had read about online a week or two before. Steve had heard about it when someone brought a menu to the office, and he thought that it sounded good too. So we decided that we should try it together sometime, which is when I remembered that I was already planning to go out for lunch on Friday for my picture. I would have gone to Mission Cheese otherwise, but I was happy to meet Steve downtown for lunch at Sweet Woodruff instead. The verdict? Really good sandwiches and banana cream pie too—worth the 5-block uphill walk from Steve's office. (The uphill is really not so bad by SF standards.) And there's even room to eat your food there.

27/366 lunch

Having finished the last of the painting in the hallway on Tuesday, it was finally time to put up our framed wedding pictures on Saturday. It had been almost 3½ years since our wedding, over 2 years since I had come up with this layout and gotten the prints ordered, and more than 6 months since (mostly) painting the hallway and buying the frames. It was good to get these on the walls at long last, and Steve did a good job of executing my layout plan with his math skillz.

The theme for the day was "Light," which I figured applied to just about any picture. Sure, I could have chosen to take a picture of a fancy light fixture or something, but I was honestly too lazy to find something like that to shoot. I was more interested in taking a picture of the photo wall, since that was the big project of the day/week.

28/366 hallway light

 The productivity continues in week 5! Stay tuned.

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