Thursday, July 5, 2012

we're having a...

Steve and I found out the gender of our baby nearly a month ago, making at least the first half of week 23 an eventful one. But while we eagerly awaited Monday's ultrasound, we got some work done around the house on Sunday.

After lunch that day, Steve and I cleared the construction stuff out of the dining room closet, and then I vacuumed it out while Steve put the previous contents on the shelves in the utility room. I did some measuring once the closet was clean and decided that the existing shelves in there would work just fine for us. We plan to get some elfa shelving from The Container Store for the living room and nursery closets, but this closet had some actual built-in shelves already that happened to be at acceptable heights. That meant that I could start loading up the closet with things like the little keyboard, the tabletop food photography light, and my container of photo props—all things that had been in the office/nursery before.

With all that work in the afternoon, we decided that we would go to Mission Cheese for an easy dinner. That way we'd get a nice walk, have our fancy grilled cheese sandwiches, and I could take a picture or two for the day. I didn't end up taking many pictures, but we stopped for a shot of the fence outside the newly renovated Mission Playground.

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Monday was finally the day of our ultrasound, but as I figured out at the first one, there's not much picture-taking to be done at an ultrasound—at least not on my part. We got a CD of pretty low resolution pictures, but those wouldn't count as my photo of the day anyway. And I wanted to buy something special and gender-specific for when we announced whether it was a boy or girl. Of course, with the ultrasound taking place at 3:45pm, there wasn't really time afterward to go buy something and photograph it. Instead, I decided to wait until the next day for the announcement picture. Luckily, we had gotten dinner reservations at Incanto that evening to celebrate, so I was able to use a food picture from our meal as my shot of the day. I went with the "Hot Mess," a foie gras dish that we had as a starter.

The title—Hot Mess—wasn't actually representative of my day, although the ultrasound didn't quite go as perfectly as we would have hoped... The baby was moving around too much by the end, so I had to go back a week later for the pictures of the heart that they needed. I guess I was asking for it by scheduling the ultrasound for one of the more active times of the day, but I was trying to go by what would be most convenient for Steve, coming from work.

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On Tuesday, I went to Fiddlesticks in Hayes Valley in search of that special something to photograph to say "it's a boy!" I wasn't sure if I wanted something like a stuffed animal or some booties or a newborn outfit, so I just looked around to see what caught my eye at my favorite kids' store. On the way in, I saw this adorable stuffed owl that would go well with my woodland-themed plans for the nursery, and then I found a couple outfits that I liked. The light blue one is pretty tiny, but hopefully, the little guy will fit into it long enough to at least wear it home from the hospital.

Before finding out the sex, I posted a rather informal poll on Facebook, asking my friends what they thought it would be. Several people thought girl, a couple thought boy, and several more hedged—afraid to commit to an answer. I didn't mention my hunch that it would be a boy, for fear of throwing the results. I was kind of hoping for a girl, but my top choice for a boy name was the one that seemed to be sticking better than any of the girl ones. (We're not telling what that name is until he's born...) I had also started to design the nursery with the aforementioned woodland theme. While it will probably be pretty gender-neutral as nurseries go, it does seem like a better fit for a boy.

157/366 it's a boy!

After all that excitement, it was back to the dining room closet for Wednesday's project. I took all my food photo props out of the Rubbermaid container they were previously in, stacked them on the new desk, and then tried to figure out what sizes of plastic containers from The Container Store I would need to fit them all. (And what combination of containers would actually fit together on a single shelf in that closet.) Once I had settled on my choices, I gave Steve a list, and then he picked them up on his way home that evening. I was able to load my stuff into the boxes and pack them in the closet while he was making dinner. So now, all these things—plus a tray and a bamboo cutting board—are in four smaller, clear containers at about waist level, rather than one large opaque tub on the floor. It should be much easier to get things in and out that way. 

158/366 prop collection

Not wanting to take another consecutive day's picture in my house, I did an errand run in Noe Valley on Thursday. I pretty much ended up just taking pictures of flowers on the way this time, so the daily shot was some society garlic that I passed in the neighborhood.

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Friday's event was a bang trim downtown, bringing me to the general vicinity of the Teuscher chocolate store. (It's across the street from the salon.) They sell chocolate in these cute animal-shaped boxes, so I occasionally look in their windows for photo ideas. This time, the giraffes were my favorites, although the little chocolate gnomes behind them were pretty awesome too.

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The best thing I could think of to shoot on Saturday was the bowl of cherry (or grape) tomatoes that Steve had gotten from the farmers market on Thursday. I've been pretty excited for tomato season to start, so cherry tomatoes make me happy. These ended up in caprese salads that I had for lunch the following Monday and Tuesday.

161/366 grape tomatoes

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a busy month! And you got a LOT accomplished. I need to do the same around here one of these days. Of course I love reading about all that you are doing as you prepare for our little grandson's arrival! And the fun things you do in between. And, of course, the pictures! :) BSD
